The David James Chess Classic takes place on March 18, Saturday, at the California Community Center. The start time is 445 pm. NO entry fee. Bring a few dollars for tasty concessions. Prizes awarded and there will be a one dollar raffle for a 25 dollar Kroger gift card.
You must pre-register! This tournament will be limited to 16 players! You pre-register at Give your name, grade, and school.
At that time we also plan on recognizing the West Louisville Chess Club and their top performers at the Queen City Classic.
The West Louisville Chess Club would like to thank the Daro Mott Family for making this March 20 tournament possible. May God bless them richly!
The David James Chess Classic will be the start of an increased effort to take the sport of chess into West Louisville through after school chess programs, special training sessions for Black men interested in working or serving as chess coaches, and doing more rated tournaments in West Louisville.