Our next big, local tournament takes place on October 15. It will be held at Launch Louisville, 816 East Broadway (please enter on the Logan street side).
The entry fee is ten dollars. There will be great prizes! Affordable concessions. Free tea and coffee while supplies last.
Coach E is the tournament director. There will be rated and unrated sections. The time control is G/30 with a five second time delay.
I am adding two sections to this tournament...under 1000 and under 2000. The cash prizes are 30 dollars for first, and 20 dollars for second and third place earns a ten dollar gift card and a chess book. Time control is G/30 with a five second time delay. The entry fee is ten dollars. These cash prize awards are based on a minimum of 7 players in a section.
Contact urbanlouisvillechess@yahoo.com if you have questions.
You can pre-register at www.paypal.me/kentuckychess